Kazakh Verbβ

About «Kazakh Verb»

The website Kazakh Verb addresses the problem of Kazakh verb conjugation.

The solution might be useful to Kazakh language learners as well as native speakers willing to delve into intricacies.

It is based on program code which implements general grammar rules and handles a set of exceptional cases.


The most important sources used while implementing the website's grammar part:

Verb glosses

The website displays verb glosses in English imported from Wiktionary. The data are available under the license CC BY-SA 4.0.


The website interface is available in English, Kazakh and Russian.

The Kazakh localization is authored by: Murat Karibay.

No guarantee

The website content is provided as is, there might be inaccuracies. Problem reports are welcomed, e.g. through the Telegram group.